
Every iPad Pro Keyboard Shortcut You'll Ever Need

Now that the iPad has gone big with the Pro tablet and its Smart Keyboard ($169), the company is embracing keyboard shortcuts. While you could have guessed that Command + A selects all text, did you know there's a keyboard shortcut to jump to the home screen? How about a key combination that brings up an app switcher that looks a lot like the one found on Windows and OS X?
sam 1618These keyboard shortcuts don't require the Smart Keyboard or the iPad Pro. These tricks will work if you pair a Bluetooth keyboard with any iPad running iOS 9 or later. Below you'll find a comprehensive list of the shortcuts currently available. If you want to see if other shortcuts are available for the app you're using, hold down the Command button for a temporary overlay.


img 0261
Command + Tab: App switcher
Command + Space: System-wide search
Command + Shift + H: Navigate to home screen
Shift + Tab: Return to the previous field
While Editing Text:
Command + A: Select all text
Command + X: Cut
Command + V: Paste
Command + Z: Undo
Command + Shift + Z: Redo
Option + Left: Move cursor one word to the left
Option + Right: Move cursor one word to the right
Option + Shift + Left arrow: Select previous word
Option + Shift + Right arrow: Select next word


img 0262 
Command + T: Open new tab
Command + W: Close open tab
Control + Tab: Show next tab
Control + Shift + Tab: Show previous tab
Command + R: Reload current Web page
Command + F: Opens find
Command + L: Access address field
Command + Shift + R: Open Reader mode 


Command + N: New email
Command + R: Reply
Command + Shift + R: Reply all
Command + Shift + F: Forward
Command + Shift + N: Get all new mail
Command + Shift + J: Mark email as junk
Command + Shift + L: Flag email
Command + Shift + U: Mark email as unread
Command + Option + F: Search mailbox
Command + Up arrow: View previous email
Command + Down arrow: View next email
While Composing an Email:
Command + Shift + D: Send email
Command + Option + B: Add Bcc recipients
Command + M: Minimize draft


Command + F: Find Note
Command + B: Bold
Command + I: Italics
Command + U: Underline
Command + Option + T: Set in title (H1) format
Command + Option + H: Set in heading (H2) format
Command + Option + L: Add checklist box
Command + N: New note


Ctrl + Left arrow: Go to beginning
Ctrl + Right arrow: Go to end
Shift + Left arrow: Go back 10 frames  
Shift + Left arrow: Go forward 10 frames  
Command + B: Split selected clip
Command + Shift + Plus: Zoom in
Command + Minus: Zoom out
Option + [: Trim clip start
Option + ]: Trim clip end
Command + Option + B: Detach audio
Command + Shift + M: Mute audio in selected clip
Ctrl + S: show audio waveforms


Command + 1: Go to day view
Command + 2: Go to week view
Command + 3: Go to month view
Command + 4: Go to year view
Command + T: Show today
Command + R: Refresh calendars
Command + F: Search
Command +N: New event


Command + N: New contact entry
Command + F: Search

Apple Maps

img 0278 
Command + 1: Standard view
Command + 2: Transit view
Command + 3: Satellite view
Command + F: Find

Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint:

img 0167
Command + B:
Command + I: Italics
Command + U: Underline


img 0277
Command + S:
Command + F: Find in document

Microsoft Powerpoint

img 0168 
Command + Shift + N: New slide


img 0151 
While editing a document:
Command + B: Bold
Command + I: Italics
Command + U: Underline
Command + Option + C: Copy style
Command + Shift + K: Add comment
Command + Shift + W: Show word count
Command + F: Find in document
Command + R: Show/Hide ruler
Command + N: New document
When an object or section of text is selected:
Command + D: Duplicate
Command + L: Lock position
Command + Option + Shift + F: Send to front layer
Command + Option + Shift + B: Send to back layer


img 0152 
Command + Shift + K: Add comment
Command + F: Find in spreadsheet
Command + Shift + [: Go to previous sheet
Command + Shift + ]: Go to next sheet
Command + Shift + N: Insert Sheet
Command + N: New spreadsheet 
When an object or section of text is selected:
Command + Option + C: Copy style
Command + D: Duplicate
Command + L: Lock position


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Command + Option + P: Play slideshow
Command + Option + A: Show transitions and builds
Command + Option + N: Show presenter notes
Command + N: New presentation
Command + F: Find
Command + Shift + K: Add comment
When an object or section of text is selected:
Command + D: Duplicate
Command + L: Lock position
Command + Option + Shift + F: Send to front layer
Command + Option + Shift + B: Send to back layer 
While editing text:
Command + B: Bold
Command + I: Italics
Command + U: Underline
Command + Option + C: Copy style


Command + Control + I: Show reminder details
Command + N: New reminder


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